Ya Sahibul Jamalu

Ya sahibul jamalu wa ya sayyadul bashar
Min wajhikal muniro laqad nawwarul qamar

O possessor of beauty! O leader of mankind
It is from your enlightened countenance that the moon is illumined

La yumkinuth thana’uka ma kaana haqquhu
Ba’daz Khuda, buzurg toi, qissa e mukhtasar

It is not possible to praise you in a befitting manner
In short, after God, you are the greatest

Marhaba Sayyadi, Makki Madaniyy-ul Arabi
Dil o jaan baad fidayat che ajab khush laqabi

Welcome, my Leigelord, O Makkan and Medinan of the Arabs
How wondrous! May my heart and soul be your ransom, O sweet-titled-one

Hoke mayus tere dar se savali na gaya
Khali haath aaya magar lawt ke khaali na gaya

Never has a questioner turned away from your threshold in a state of despair
Though he arrived empty handed, he didn’t depart empty handed

Hai tu hi afzal-ul-insan tu mehbub-e-khuda
Ae Quraishi, O Bani Hashmi, O Muttalabi

You are the best among men, the beloved of God
O Quraishite, O Hashimite, O Muttalabite

Sayyadi anta habibi wa tabib-e-qalbi
Marhaba Sayyadi, Makki Madaniyy-ul Arabi

My Leigelord, you are my beloved, and the healer of my heart
Welcome, my Leigelord, O Makkan and Medinan of the Arabs

Kab ata hoga mujhe zawq-e-sanakhwan-e-nabi
Ae qamar, ye meri koshish kisi qabil to nahin

When will I taste the refinement of being one who truly praises the Prophet
O Qamar, this meagre attempt of mine is not worth anything at all

Meri khatir to yeh nisbat bhi bohot hai mawla
Mae kahaan, varna kahaan zikr-e-khuda, naat-e-nabi

For my sake, this association is sufficient, my Lord
Who am I to be endowed with the remembrance of God, and the praise of His Prophet

Dil-o-jaan baad fidayat che ajab khush laqabi
Marhaba Sayyadi, Makki Madaniyy-ul Arabi

How wondrous! May my heart and soul be your ransom, O sweet-titled-one
Welcome, my Leigelord, O Makkan and Medinan of the Arabs


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